Thursday 13 April 2017

Celebrating the Small things

It's easy to get in a bit of a funk when things just don't seem to be going as we had thought or hoped so I have decided I am going to Celebrate the Small things and you should too!

No dust here!
  • Yesterday I got all the sheets washed and dried and put away
  • On Sunday I got the grocery shopping done and bought the kids Easter eggs (and maybe one for myself and my sister)
  • I put the bin out on Monday night
  • I returned my library books on Saturday
  • This morning I washed all the towels and hung them out (they will get put away when they are dry!!)
  • I've written out the clues for our Easter egg hunt 
  • My bills are up to date, until the next lot come in!
  • I renewed my drivers licence early, it wasn't due until 19/4
  • Blog posts have been written on a fairly regular basis
  • I vacuumed behind, under and around the furniture (and I hate vacuuming)
  • Last night I cleaned out the fridge while cooking dinner
  • I washed my hair and (almost) styled it
  • I've done some more seoing on the website (still waiting to see the results from my seoing efforts of a month or so ago!)
  • Donated some clothes and stuff for the flood appeal
  • Helped my niece with her resume
  • Had a few Easter orders come in over the weekend, better than none
That's about it but, like with the orders, better than nothing. I'm trying to just focus on the good and positive and try and turn the bad and negative around or at least not over think them! Mum and dad are coming up for Easter so it will be great to catch up with them. The Easter bunny arrives on Sunday, on Tuesday the family and I are going away for a couple of days (we're going to lay a plaque for my grandma, next to my grandpa and then enjoy some time together) and then, who knows?? The possibilities, potential and persistence are endless.

Start celebrating the small things, it doesn't matter how small (just look at my list, I'm celebrating putting a garbage bin out!) these things matter, they are part of our everyday but we should feel proud and worthwhile and useful. Small things can lead to big things!

Carpe Diem - Seize the Day, no matter how small
Jacqui ~ Rainbow Designs boss(y) lady and small thing celebrateror.

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