Thursday, 30 March 2017

Batten down the hatches

It sure has been a wild and woolly few days especially for our Queensland friends and now the weather is heading south towards NSW. The heavy rains hit here last night at around 9pm and haven't really stopped. I'm watching the weather and flood warnings but where I am, not far from the Tweed River, there are flood gates that will be closed if there is any chance of the river rising too high. [edited to add: the levee gates were indeed closed with the water just 10cm from going over the top. We had an evacuation order at 2.30am Friday morning. South Murwillumbah was devastated with the whole area going under. Heartbreaking to now see every home with all their belongings on the footpath. This is the worse flood event ever seen here. So fast and so strong. Murwillumbah Matters] All the schools are closed (not that the kids mind at all!) and they're telling everyone to not go out if at all possible even suggesting businesses close. Stay safe everyone and listen to the authorities and DO NO drive through flood waters no matter how desperate you are to get home, it just isn't worth it!

Given all this rain and wind it is still warm and very muggy, I've given up on my hair! We lost power yesterday for about 30 minutes or so and the wild weather hadn't even hit us yet. I believe something large blew a bit further up the coast which effected pretty much all of the Tweed. They have warned we may get power outages over the coming days. My phone lost service earlier this morning but is back on again. I'm sure this will be an ongoing thing with the high winds expected later this afternoon. As long as no trees fall down or roof tops are blown off and everyone is safe I am sure we can cope without power/phones for a bit.

Easter Nibbles For Everyone - $50 delivered

A few more Easter orders have come in, thank you, but I am still hoping for more! Never pleased :-) I've also been working behind the scenes on the website, still, trying to get the right balance of user friendliness and search engine friendliness. Our rankings on Google seemed to have fallen with all the changes I have made but as I've mentioned previously I need to be patient with this as it can and does take awhile for anything real to happen. Good or bad! Here's hoping it's more good than bad! The search engine terms for Easter seem to have helped a bit which I am hoping will continue to improve leading up to Easter and then in turn improve the orders that are coming in. That's been the plan and why I spend so much time doing this seoing business! Did I mention how exciting and glamourous it is running your own online business?! I still love it though.

If you're stuck indoors and looking for something to do may I suggest heading to our website and getting your Easter gift giving sorted??

Take care and be safe,

Jacqui ~ Rainbow Designs boss(y) lady

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