Tuesday, 17 January 2017

2017? Why yes it is!

After a pretty hectic end to 2016 we are well and truly back into the 'everyday' swing of things at Rainbow Designs. We hope you all had some down time over the festive season and enjoyed a lovely Christmas with family and friends. For those of you who find this time of year a little tough, we were thinking of you and wishing you only the very best.

We had a few little issues and hiccups over the last month or so which I am working very hard on sorting out. It is generally the way when things are ramped up a bit and emotions are running high - the Christmas spirit can often be lacking but in the main we had a wonderful end to 2016 and were honoured to be able to provide help and gifts to so many people, near and far!

As you all know (or not) I have been working with some fabulous people down Victoria way in the running of my little business. We've been working together for over 10 years now (wow!!) and I can only say that they are such a delight to work with and so very professional. They've always got my back and help me out whenever a drama or issue arises. Thanks guys! 2017 is going to be no different or maybe different in the sense that it's going to be even bigger and better than 2016 - woo. I'm very excited for what 2017 has planned for me and my business and am super excited to share with you some of the new gifts we'll have for you in the near future.

As ever I am always striving to provide the best service and gifts I can so welcome all feedback (good or bad) to ensure I am still on the right track. Some things may not always go to plan but as long as we can work together and fix any mishaps I think that's the best thing we can do. We hope you do as well.

I'm planning on having a couple of weeks off at the end of January beginning of February, totally unplugged. No internet. No facebook. No instagram. I just want to enjoy myself and relax and be in the moment before it's full on, head down, bum up. I'm really looking forward to it and hope that I come back refreshed and ready to tackle anything! (fingers crossed) Don't worry, we will still be open and sending out gifts. :-)

Thank you to everyone who has ever purchased from Rainbow Designs, who has ever helped out anyway shape or form and for those that continue to support and promote and just generally cheer me on - I know I would have given up long ago if it wasn't for you all. It's been tough (still is) and I have definitely had moments where I've seriously thought of just packing it in but then a lovely email will come in or a whole batch of orders will arrive and I'll think 'this is why I keep doing what I'm doing'! I think I just over think things sometimes and really let it get to me so I am going to 'try' and take things less personal while still making my business have that personal tough and to be thankful for what I have and who I have in my life. 'Try' being the appropriate word as I know I am still going to have crappy days and days where I just want to give up but as long as they are few and far between I will be happy.

So thank you again and I hope I can be of help to you in 2017 with any (or all) or your gift giving needs and from what I hear in the pipeline we are going to be getting some amazing new gifts in the not too distant future - very exciting indeed!

Enjoy yourself, take care of yourself and talk to someone if you're feeling low or unsure of yourself - you are everything and deserve the best.

Work hard, play (or relax) hard and eat chocolate! ~ Jacqui (Rainbow Designs owner)

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