Interesting Rainbow Designs stats for the month just gone:
57% of visitors were from Australia, followed by USA with 21%
74% of users use Internet Explorer, followed by 12% for Firefox (which is what I use)
Tuesday was the busiest day followed by Wednesday
2pm-4pm was the busiest time of the day for visitors with 4am being the quietest (not surprising!)
Quite similar to our January stats - the busiest days do seem to vary month to month but are generally Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. These are things that as an online business owner we need to look at reguarly to help us find the best times to increase our online advertising and to also try and organise our week around these busy days. So, in knowing Mondays and Fridays are normally quieter we can plan our week and use these days (or part of them) for working on our business.
Do you utilise your websites stats or just look at them with a smile (or a frown if they’re not so good!)?
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